Appendix A: Tag Summary

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Base tag (<BASE>)
Used to define the document's original location (with use of the HREF attribute).
Character Entities (<&code;>)
Entities are used to display non-English characters and symbols which are found in the ISO Latin-1 character set. Not every entity will display correctly in every browser, although they should.
Code style tag (<CODE>)
Defines enclosed text as being a fragment of code from a program. Usually displayed in a monospaced font.
Form tag (<FORM>)
The container which defines an interactive form. These forms allow the user to input data, select from lists of choices, and so on; the data which is input must be processed by a CGI program. The results will depend on the program's instructions.
Keyboard style tag (<KBD>)
Defines enclosed text as being an example of user input. Usually displayed in a monospaced font.
Input tag (<INPUT>)
The most common form element, INPUT has several different types. These are:
An open box where the user can tye anything from the keyboard
Presents a number of choices, any one of which may be selected by the user
Presents a number of choices, any number of which may be selected by the user
Allows the author to invisibly pass information to the back-end CGI program
Displays input as a series of bullets or asterisks; does not encrypt the data which is entered
Creates a mechanism for the user to indicate that the form should be processed by its back-end CGI script
Creates a mechanism by which the user can reset the form to its default state, wiping out any changes the user has made
Meta tag (<META>)
Used to define information which cannot be otherwise defined using existing HTML tags, such as author name, expiration date, or anything else the author can think of.
Option tag (<OPTION>)
Defines an option in a SELECT list.
Preformatted text tag (<PRE>)
Sample style tag (<SAMP>)
Defines enclosed text as being a string of literal characters-- the browser should display them verbatim. Usually displayed in a monospaced font.
Select tag (<SELECT>)
Creates a list, either pop-up or scrollable, from which the user can select one or more options (if the MULTIPLE attribute is used).
Textarea tag (<TEXTAREA wrap>)
Creates an area where the user can input a large amount of text across multiple lines.
Variable style tag (<VAR>)
Defines enclosed text as being a variable name. Usually displayed in italics.

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